Erthe + One Tree Planted
As humans,
Sometimes... we all feel like we want to change the world. Sometimes... we feel the urge of hitting the head of a person who litters on the street. Sometimes... we just want to tell everyone that we should preserve, protect and respect our beautiful (once) pristine earth.And in the end... we may feel that it is all too much and we can't control everyone else who litters, destroy, pollute and trash our land.
Once in a while though, one of us... like Matt Hill (Chief Environmental Evangalist) created in 2014 with a mission to make it simple for people to give back to the environment.

Inspired people like Matt and his team, deserve our help and support. When I stumbled upon the OneTreePlanted logo on one of their partner's online store. I was immediately drawn to their mission; which is to reforest our planet and provide education, awareness and engagement on the importance of trees in our ecosystem. Their ethos, dedication and their tree planting projects across four continents (North America, South America, Africa & Asia) just ring true to what I believe in.
Erthe's motivating force is to give back to earth itself, to pay respect, to rebuilding what's broken, to preserving & protecting its beauty in our own small ways. I'm so grateful to all of you who had supported what I created thus far and it is only befitting to pay it forward.
I'm so proud and thrilled to announce that we have partnered with OneTreePlanted. When you buy a print from Erthe, one tree will be planted somewhere in the world.
Doesn't that feel good?
As I'm writing this, we have planted HUNDREDS of trees so far and that is just the beginning!!!
We all have our own ways of 'giving back' to the world. A little bit of goodness helps because a drop of water can one day become an ocean. Writing one word, will turn into a book. Planting a tree at a time, can one day make a forest.
Just like my observation of nature - there is great beauty in repetition.
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."
~ OneTreePlanted
So let's build a forest one tree at a time, with one print at a time!
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On Earth Day, 2017, One Tree Planted came together with a handful of businesses and organizations, over 300 volunteers, and over 10,000 saplings to reforest an area in Sunshine Canyon, Colorado that was ravaged by wildfires. This is our story.