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Burnt Candy


by Erthe & Co


or split this into four payments of $125.00 AUD with More info


BEST VIEWED ON Medium or larger size print for its intricate details.
IDEAL FOR dining, living room, entry, hallway or office lobby.

Burnt Candy is the latest addition and a TOP SELLER in the Anima Mea series. Everyone who sees this would have the same reaction, "Is it a painting?" The Anima Mea series may look like a painting, but it is photography in its purest form - there is no digital enhancement. The painterly effect is achieved by using an intricate method of preserving these poppy blossoms and later ‘freezing’ them. I've manipulated the ice by varying the temperature of the water to achieve the different opacity levels of the ice. Then the 'magic' happens at capture. The challenge was to work fast, as the ice melts very quickly. Every image takes about 4 - 10 days to complete as some blooms are preserved until their dying stage.


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